Film Classes

Low Budget Films For Filmmakers To Study

Higher Consciousness Classes

  • The Monroe Institute
    A one week course, at the end of which you will leave, regardless of your belief system going in, with the absolute knowledge that your consciousness will survive physical body death. A life changing experience.

    Landmark Education
    Fifteen years of psychotherapy in 3 days. Reconciliation with the past. Also highly recommended.

    The Pathwork Foundation
    Transpersonal psychology with spiritualist leanings. Discovering the nature and source of one's own shadow. One-on-one work with a Helper over a number of years. Recommended only for those ready to make a substantial committment.

    EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique
    Remarkable, often seemingly miraculous healing technique, performed by simply tapping on various points throughout the body. Acupuncture without the needles. Instruction offered for free on web site.

    The Omega Institute

    New York Open Center

    The CG Jung Foundation

Higher Consciousness Resources

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  • In 1999 I was the founder and CEO of Fragments of a Hologram Rose Inc., pioneering live video on the Internet, as well as the creator, producer, and director of the "Here and Now" webcast, the first ever live, uncut broadcast of real life to the Internet, full motion video and audio, 24/7.

    I am now a writer, screenwriter, and producer of film. My work has been featured in print, online, and on radio and television throughout the world. I live in Hollywood, CA.