

Film Classes

  • Writer's Bootcamp
    The best screenwriting course there is. One night a week for two months. The first step for any aspiring filmmaker.

    New York Film Academy
    Attend the one month Acting Workshop, followed by the two month Directing Workshop. Both courses are full-time committments, Monday to Friday, 9 to 5. Recommended only after completion of Writer's Bootcamp.

    Hollywood Film Institute
    A two day Producing Workshop. Recommended only after completion of the Acting and Directing Workshops at the New York Film Academy. Congratulations, you're now ready to make a feature film.

Higher Consciousness Classes

Higher Consciousness Resources

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  • In 1999 I was the founder and CEO of Fragments of a Hologram Rose Inc., pioneering live video on the Internet, as well as the creator, producer, and director of the "Here and Now" webcast, the first ever live, uncut broadcast of real life to the Internet, full motion video and audio, 24/7.

    I am now a writer, screenwriter, and producer of film. My work has been featured in print, online, and on radio and television throughout the world. I live in Hollywood, CA.